Adam Jackson

Young couple with farm management experience looking for the right acre to grow their dream.

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  • South Central

Total acres 2.0

Acres of cropland or tillable land 1.0

Looking for the following:

Type of opportunity:

Sale (Standard), Sale (Owner Financed), Lease (5+ Years), Lease with Option to Buy. More info: We would also consider larger acreage if the fit was right.

Equipment & infrastructure:

Well / Pond / Other water source, Farmer housing. More info: Willing to put in work and investment to improve soil, establish fields, build infrastructure, etc. Only real requirements for our farm goals are about an acre of flat ground and access to a reliable water source. Preferably, there would also be housing on site for my wife and I.

Current production on farm:

Flowers, Herbs, Vegetable production.

Current farming practices:

Ecological production but not certified. More info: Our experience is primarily with low-till and no-till systems using minimal machinery. Our goal is to be a Certified Naturally Grown and GAP certified farm.

Qualifications and goals:

Previous farming experience:

Volunteer, Employee, Manager

Number of years experience:


Other qualifications:

Farm business training, Academic degree in agriculture or related field. More info: Most recently, I managed a 1.5 acre Market Garden for 5 years - leading design, crop-planning, business development, and day-to-day operations for a 3-man crew. Ultimately, the property was donated to a local school and they no longer needed a farmer on staff. Previously, I worked in small hydroponic and aquaponic greenhouses producing greens and raising Tilapia. And I've contributed time and knowledge to multiple local community gardens. Additionally, my wife is a florist and aspiring flower farmer now in her 3rd season growing select varieties.

Production goals:

Flowers, Herbs, Vegetable production.

Personal experience and production goals summary:

Our goal is to run a lean, efficient market garden, growing 8-12 varieties of vegetables, herbs and flowers for Farmer's Market and commercial sales. We want to embrace the constraints of a small cultivated footprint - roughly 3/4 acre  - to focus on growing better and producing more per sq. ft., selling as close to the farm as possible, and growing only crops with reliable demand and a high margin.

I have 5 years experience in Market Garden Management, and over a decade in growing knowledge. I have long-standing relationships with 3 local Food Hubs and am a member of the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association. My wife also brings 3 years experience in flower farming and almost a decade in floral design. On previous farms, I've been responsible for crop-planning, greenhouse construction, harvest-and-pack shed design, inventory management, budgeting, sales/invoicing, deliveries, social media, web-design, pest-management plans, and more.

We are prepared to build and operate a successful farm. However, we hope to stay close to our families in the Charlotte area and our funding for land and infrastructure is limited.