Jessica Fogleman

Future farmer seeking land to create sustainable family farm and homestead.

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  • North Central
    • Orange

Total acres 10.0

Acres of cropland or tillable land 5.0

Looking for the following:

Type of opportunity:

Sale (Standard), Sale (Owner Financed), Lease with Option to Buy. More info: Looking for a property to build a home and a small sustainable family farm in order to provide local produce to the surrounding community.

Equipment & infrastructure:

More info: All of the above would be nice, but not necessary. We are prepared to develop the appropriate infrastructure as needed. More specifically: housing, water supply, barn/outbuildings, and farm equipment.

Qualifications and goals:

Previous farming experience:


Number of years experience:


Other qualifications:

More info: Assc in Environmental Sciences, Organic Gardening certificate, On track for Permaculture Design Certificate

Production goals:

Flowers, Herbs, Orchard, Vegetable production.

Personal experience and production goals summary:

Our family of four has been seeking a property to live and create a small farm on which to grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers for the local community.  We currently live in Hillsborough, NC and want to raise our family to appreciate hard work and the importance of where our food comes from.  Ideally we are able to create a sustainable place where people can come to learn about agriculture and the benefits of supporting local producers.  Having been born into a farming family on both sides, my husband has a wealth of experience to draw from through his parents, as well as a great deal of inherited farm equipment.  We also have relationships with some of the best chefs in the triangle who are willing to support our efforts through purchasing the fruits of our labor.  Our desire is strong and our dedication to making this happen is unwavering.  We are good people who respect and live right by the earth and all of it's inhabitants!