Shayna Tulanian

seeking small private space to enjoy growing flowers and to spend time in solitude among them

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  • Northeast
    • Franklin
    • Wake
    • Warren

Total acres 1.0

Acres of cropland or tillable land 1.0

Acres of pasture 0.0

Acres of unfenced pasture 0.0

Looking for the following:

Type of opportunity:

Lease (1 to 5 Years). More info: Looking for a private area where I could create a private flower garden where I could retreat to to enjoy spending time alone outdoors in a space of my own

Qualifications and goals:

Production goals:

Flowers, Vegetable production.

Personal experience and production goals summary:

Took a vegetable production class year ago at a community college in Pittsboro NC... my productions goals are just I would like a private space outdoor where I can create a peaceful place to retreat to that has flowers and maybe some vegetables