Dennis Miller

Looking for a farm to establish a long term local food production/direct to consumer business model including vegetable & horticulture plants, cut flowers, vegetables, eggs, etc.

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  • North Central
    • Chatham
  • South Central
    • Harnett
    • Lee
    • Moore
  • Northeast
    • Wake

Total acres 5.0

Looking for the following:

Type of opportunity:

Lease (1 to 5 Years), Lease with Option to Buy.

Equipment & infrastructure:

Well / Pond / Other water source, Greenhouse, Irrigation equipment.

Current production on farm:

Field crops, Flowers, Hay or pasture, Poultry (Broiler/Layer), Vegetable production.

Qualifications and goals:

Previous farming experience:


Number of years experience:


Production goals:

Flowers, Honey bees, Poultry (Broiler/Layer), Vegetable production.

Personal experience and production goals summary:

I have worked in Agriculture all of my career with a very diverse list of experience.  I have been involved on the farm level of animal production, large scale row crop production, and small scale direct to market fruit, vegetable, and egg production.  I have also led retail agricultural stores in 2 different states in management roles.  I have experiance leading crews of 1 person to 64 people.  

My passion lies in agriculture and more specifically direct to consumer local sustainable food production.  My wife and childern share my love and will be equally involved in our operation.  

Our goal is to start and grow a direct to consumer vegetable, fruit, cut flower, vegetable/horticulture plant, and Egg production farm.  We will operate our farm sustainably and develop long lasting relationships with our local customers.  Our goal is to help educate families on food production and healty living.