Heath Mason

Looking to grow and continue

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  • West
    • McDowell
    • Polk
    • Rutherford

Total acres 20.0

Acres of cropland or tillable land 20.0

Acres of pasture 20.0

Looking for the following:

Type of opportunity:

Lease (5+ Years), Lease with Option to Buy, Internship / Mentorship, Incubator / Mentored Lease, Business Partnership. More info: I make/sale hay and have 10 cows. I am looking to expand the herd. Eventually open a small dairy. I want to raise some grain and market vegetables at some point.

Equipment & infrastructure:

Barn, Fencing, Livestock facilities, Farm equipment. More info: I have a complete hay making lineup and some grading excavating equipment.

Current production on farm:

Cattle (Dairy/Beef), Fallow, Hay or pasture, Sheep/Goat (Dairy/Meat), Vegetable production, Woodlot or forest products. More info: Raise 75 acres of hay, Sell firewood Steers for meat

Current farming practices:

Biodynamic, Conventional, Ecological production but not certified. More info: Varies with each situation and condition

Qualifications and goals:

Previous farming experience:

Volunteer, Employee, Manager

Number of years experience:


Production goals:

Aquaculture, Cattle (Dairy/Beef), Fallow, Field crops, Flowers, Hay or pasture, Sheep/Goat (Dairy/Meat), Vegetable production, Woodlot or forest products.

Personal experience and production goals summary:

I've always wanted to farm since an early age. At age 40 I began custom hay harvesting and had an opportunity to get into cattle. I grew up around farms, cattle and heavy equipment. Ask me for my future goals...