Nathan Patch

Updated Aug 20, 2024

  • 0-5 Total acres

Nathan Patch

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I am 25 years old and have worked on organic vegetable farms since I graduated college in 2021. I worked 2 summers in Asheville but I am now working on an independent operation in my hometown in Massachusetts. I like the climate in NC and want to come back to establish a market garden operation for organic vegetables and herbs. I am hardworking and motivated, please let me know if there is an opportunity for me.

  • Farmer housing
  • Barn
  • Fencing
  • Well / Pond / Other water source
  • Greenhouse
  • Livestock facilities
  • Farm equipment
  • Processing facilities
  • Irrigation equipment
  • Cold storage (cooler/freezer)
  • Sale (Cash or Mortgage)
  • Sale (Owner Financed)
  • Lease (1 to 5 Years)
  • Lease w/Option to Buy

Opportunity details

Opportunity to rent land, farm on land or an affordable purchase option.

  • Regenerative
  • Certified organic

Years of experience

5 total years of experience

Desired locations

  • West
  • North Central
  • South Central
  • Northeast
  • Southeast