Seth Coates

Updated Aug 20, 2024

  • 6-10 Total acres
  • 0-5 Acres of cropland or tillable land
  • 0-5 Acres of pasture
  • 0-5 Acres of hayland

Seth Coates

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I grew up on a commercial chicken farm, we moved into commercial greenhouses for sweet potato slips. We moved into raising beef cattle and I'm looking to start my own operation and expand the cattle business. 

  • Barn
  • Fencing
  • Well / Pond / Other water source
  • Farm equipment
  • Cold storage (cooler/freezer)
  • Sale (Owner Financed)
  • Lease (1 to 5 Years)
  • Lease (5+ Years)
  • Lease w/Option to Buy
  • Lease w/Mentoring
  • Employment / Internship / Mentorship
  • Employment with Transfer

Opportunity details

Looking for land to have a bigger cattle operation.

  • Conventional
  • Cattle (Dairy / Beef)
  • Hay or pasture
  • Honey bees

Years of experience

12 total years of experience

Desired locations

  • West
  • North Central
  • South Central
  • Northeast
  • Southeast