Production Greenhouse in Mt. Airy for lease

Surry County

Updated Jul 11, 2024

  • 2 Total acres
  • 0 Acres of cropland or tillable land
  • 0 Acres of fenced pasture
  • 0 Acres of unfenced hayland

Production Greenhouse in Mt. Airy for lease

Surry County

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This listing was created by NC FarmLink staff. Contact owner, Anthony Bono directly via email at [email protected] or by phone at 3367104609. Year-round production greenhouse is available to rent 30x128. Will require some work to get up and running. Formally used for hydroponic lettuce production but can be used for conventional production. Environmentally controlled with grow lights. Basic knowledge of electricity and plumbing is a plus. The owner is retired and willing to pass on knowledge of hydroponic production. Looking for honest individuals.

  • Greenhouse
  • Well / Pond / Other water source

Feature details

All equipment associated with greenhouse production is included in transfer. Owner willing to work with tenants on rent until production and sales are underway any utilities used (gas/electric/repairs etc.) paid by tenant.

Production details

30 x 128 Greenhouse- nothing currently in it.

Practice details

Hydroponic and conventional.


  • 1-5 Years
  • 5+ Years

Opportunity details

Greenhouse space for rent/lease.