Alan Yeck

Certified Farm Seeker

Updated Aug 20, 2024

  • 11-50 Total acres
  • 0-5 Acres of cropland or tillable land
  • 0-5 Acres of pasture
  • 0-5 Acres of hayland

Alan Yeck

Certified Farm Seeker

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I've been the Executive Director for three years now. On tours when someone asks a specific agricultural question, I ask them if they've ever seen the old show, Green Acres. I'm Mr. Douglas. I continue to learn about farming and beekeeping and medicinal herbs all the time. 

  • Well / Pond / Other water source

Equipment and infrastructure details

Ideally we are looking for 12-15 acres in Henderson County (but open to other locations) with a creek, river, pond, on it. Out of the flood plain. Need electric and potable water. We can put in septic if needed. Farming or agritherapy is only one of our programs we offer Veterans.

  • Sale (Cash or Mortgage)
  • Sale (Owner Financed)
  • Lease (5+ Years)
  • Lease w/Option to Buy

Opportunity details

The Veterans Healing Farm (VHF) is a 501c3 nonprofit established in 2013. Today their mission is to enhance the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of our nation’s Veterans and their families. The vision is an end to Veteran suicide, which may not be in the news every day, but these tragedies continue every day. They accomplish their mission through three primary programs; agritherapy, therapies and therapeutic workshops (non-pharmaceutical), and Veteran-focused events. The VHF was informed in January by the landowner that she was retiring and we have to be off the land by August. More info about us

  • Ecological production but not certified

Practices details

We use organic practices.

  • Flowers / Herbs
  • Honey bees
  • Vegetables

Goals details

It is the therapeutic process of organic farming that is the main goal for our Veterans, not the number of heads of cabbage at the end of the season. We do not seek a production farm.

Years of experience

11 total years of experience

Experience details

We can always use help across the board.

Desired locations

  • West