Donny Oleniczak

Updated Aug 20, 2024

  • 6-10 Total acres
  • 0-5 Acres of cropland or tillable land
  • 0-5 Acres of pasture
  • 0-5 Acres of hayland

Donny Oleniczak

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Agribusiness and field sales seed, crop protection, and fertilizer 

  • Well / Pond / Other water source
  • Sale (Cash or Mortgage)
  • Sale (Owner Financed)
  • Lease (1 to 5 Years)
  • Lease w/Option to Buy

Opportunity details

Strawberries, blueberries, and vegetables

  • Biodynamic
  • Regenerative
  • Conventional
  • Certified organic
  • Transitioning to organic
  • Ecological production but not certified
  • Vegetables

Goals details

Strawberries, blackberries, and vegetables

Years of experience

40 total years of experience

Desired locations

  • Southeast