J.B. Beverley

Updated Aug 20, 2024

  • 101+ Total acres

J.B. Beverley

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I am a healthy 47 year old man who currently lives in Halifax county with my wonderful dog, Buddy. I’m not married and don’t have children. I do however have some farm / horse experience, and am looking for the right place to come on board with — full time if possible. I am in the midst of repairing this old house, and will be wanting to move this November. Ideally, I’d like to move where I’m working, and would like to keep that here in North Carolina, so lodging would be ideal. That said, for the right offer, I’ll consider relocating further. 

What I do have:

* Basic experience: working, exercising, feeding, turning out, and a little bit of training regarding horses. 

* Ethics: I honor my word and won’t waste time

* Basic handiness: I can drive a hammer, turn a screw, drag a pasture, mow, mend, and tend. 

* References

* A sense of pride in my work. 

* A dependable truck. 

* A sense of love and respect for my country, our military, and for law enforcement. If that’s going to be an issue, I’m not your man. It’s only fair I put that out there, as I see a lot of people in this field nowadays who will sadly make things like this a deal-breaker. I also exercise my 2A rights, and can be a great set of eyes and ears on your land should someone or something come around with ill intentions. 

What I DO NOT have:

* A mechanic’s knowledge / degree  

* A criminal record (willing to do a background check. I have never been in trouble) 

* Time to mess around. I’m not fresh out of school and looking to trade my labor in exchange for free board for my horse. (I don’t own one currently)  I also can’t work for “first ever job” after school pay. I don’t expect to get rich doing this, but I’m willing to do real work for a fair salary. 


Along those lines, as I’m not a kid, I won’t be glued to my phone, flirting with employees (not on the market), calling off every other week, or any of the other things that come with SOME younger people in this business. I show up on time, and I don’t let up until the job is done. But I need something real, and I need to figure it out sooner than later. In the past I have been willing to drive an hour or two for in-person interviews only to be snubbed for a youngster who will work for less — without even so much as a courtesy call. I am too old, too considerate, and bring too much to the table in the big picture to do this dance anymore. So I’d love to talk with anyone who is serious and on the same page as me. I’m willing to put aside what I’ve done and learn how to work your animals your way — provided you’re not being abusive. I can be molded to fit your needs, and I’m fine with that. What I can’t do is deal with running around for nothing, or lip service. 

If you want real help from a man who will take care of your land and animals like it was his own, my house will be sold in November, and I can possibly come on board promptly in the meantime. Let’s talk! You can DM me here, or email me at: [email protected] 

Lastly, if you’ve read this whole thing, thank you, and God bless. I can’t wait to hear from the right person! 

- J.B.

  • Farmer housing
  • Barn
  • Fencing
  • Livestock facilities
  • Farm equipment
  • Cold storage (cooler/freezer)
  • Employment / Internship / Mentorship
  • Conventional
  • Cattle (Dairy / Beef)
  • Field crops
  • Hay or pasture
  • Flowers / Herbs
  • Hogs
  • Poultry (Broiler / Layer)
  • Vegetables

Goals details

I’m looking for something permanent.

Desired locations

  • West
  • North Central
  • South Central
  • Northeast
  • Southeast