Farming full-time for income
Updated Nov 7, 2024
- 6-10 Total acres
- 0-5 Acres of cropland or tillable land
- 6-10 Acres of pasture
Desired locations
Native American and beginning veteran farmer who is deeply committed to sustainable farming and land stewardship.
I am a beginning veteran farmer/rancher who is committed to regenerating the land I control. I plan to use my existing knowledge base, coupled with those skills and wisdom I glean through mentorship and internships, to improve the land and lives I touch (to include my own). I currently live on one acre of land in Johnston county and have begun trialing no-till organic market gardening methods on part. I am in the very beginning of my farming journey and have realized this is my true path.
Desired infrastructure
Preferred type of opportunity
Opportunity details
At this time, I am focused on learning and growing. While I have a depth of knowledge on soil health and ecological farming practices, I have no experience in the business of running or managing a farm business. I would appreciate the chance to learn from the wisdom of an experienced producer who has lived the ups and downs, while simultaneously helping them grow their farm business through my work ethic and exceptional problem solving skill set. I am also interested in learning the art and practice of pasture/forest raised small ruminants, pork, and poultry. While I have studied the principles, I have no practical experience to turn that knowledge into wisdom.
Desired farming practices
Practices details
My ultimate goal is to manage land in an ecologically focused way allowing nature to tell me what she needs to heal as opposed to forcing my will on her. I will utilize only natural inputs and disturbances to ensure any intervention I implement will not cause any long term damage to the ecosystem should I make a mistake. I want to enhance the phytonutrient content of all food produced to enhance the health of those that I am able to provide for so that I am healing the soil as well as the community.
Production goals
Goals details
While I plan to focus on pasture and forest raised livestock, I also want to incorporate diversified vegetable and medicinal herb production in order to provide an outlet to the local community to improve their health through natural means. I believe biodiversity is key to restoring whatever ecosystem I manage. Long-term, understanding my age and injuries are a limiting factor, I want to transition to an educational and incubator farm to grow the next generation of ecologically minded farmers.
Farm experience
Years of experience
1 total years of experience
0 years employed as a worker (non-manager)
1 years as a manager
Education, training, and employment experience
Experience details
I have self-studied extensively. I committ three hours of every morning to broadening my knowledge base from a diverse set of resources. I am currently enrolled with the NC State CEFS Boots on the Ground internship program and have been seeking a host farm in my area to learn and grow within.