Stephen Paul

Updated Aug 20, 2024

  • 11-50 Total acres
  • 6-10 Acres of pasture
  • 11-50 Acres of hayland

Stephen Paul

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I have circa 100 goats and rent these out to different landowners who wish to utilize the goats to help clear their unwanted vegetation. I started operations in February 2023. I am based in Durham, NC. I have travelled the world extensively researching different models of regenerative agriculture, including interning at various regenerative farms in Australia and the USA. I have attended various grazing schools and now have at least 1 year's experience managing goats and their needs. I also have worked as an IT consultant for many years and so technology is second nature to me.

I intend to overwinter the goats at a single property and assit their kidding processes which should start in December/January of each season. My production goals are to reach a herd of 200 does, split into 5 operating grazing herds, selling excess animals each season.

  • Barn
  • Well / Pond / Other water source

Equipment and infrastructure details

We have virtual fencing so we don't require any physical fencing. We use electric netting when kidding to protect newborns from predators.
We would need a reliable water source. We have all hoses and troughs necessary.
A small covered area to store minimal equipment would be useful. Our equipment includes, hoses, rolls of electric netting, bags of minerals, troughs etc. Not a lot.
We would like to feed hay in the winter to supplement the goats' diet whilst they are foraging on cool season grasses etc. Use of a tractor to put out hay would be ideal.

Opportunity details

Do you have 20 + acres of woods that are overgrown with weeds, briars, poison ivy etc? Maybe also some pasture that needs attention? Would you like a free and easy solution to this?
If you're interested in having 100 or so goats cumulatively eat away at weeds & brush on your land in exchange for allowing us to use the place as a winter base and occasionally parking the goats between jobs during the grazing season (April-Nov), get in touch! We would take care of all fencing for the goats.
The place would ideally have a water source close to the woods to water the goats. We have all the hoses to get water to them.
Check out our Instagram here:

  • Sheep/Goat (Dairy / Meat)

Years of experience

2 total years of experience

Experience details

I have travelled the world extensively researching different models of regenerative agriculture, including interning at various regenerative farms in Australia and the USA. I have attended various grazing schools and now have at least 1 year's experience managing goats and their needs. I also have worked as an IT consultant for many years and so technology is second nature to me.

Desired locations

  • Chatham
  • Durham
  • Orange