9 flat, sunny, river bottom acres to lease

Newland, Avery County

Updated Aug 22, 2024

  • 11 Total acres
  • 9 Acres of cropland or tillable land
  • 0 Acres of fenced pasture
  • 11 Acres of unfenced hayland

9 flat, sunny, river bottom acres to lease

Newland, Avery County

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We have an 11 acre farm and are looking for someone to rent the bottom 9 acres, which are completely flat and full sun bottomland that stretches along the North Toe River. We are hoping to rent to someone who wants to farm it organically or using organic methods but not certified. Or we are happy to rent to someone who wants to keep their animals on the 9 acres, if you are willing to put up your own fencing and take it down when you are done leasing from us. We would prefer a long term lease, at least one year and hopefully continuing for many more years. If you reached out previously and I did not reply, please email me again. Personal life stuff got in the way of making this happen in the last year, but now we are ready and have capacity for responding. The property has water access via the river and also has a well that we recently had fixed up. The well has a line that runs down to the 9 acre field already in place. There is also electricity on the top part of the property. We do NOT want to sell the land or rent to sell. Please do not contact me trying to buying the land. Thank you!

  • Barn
  • Irrigation equipment
  • Well / Pond / Other water source

Feature details

We do not have a tractor, but we do currently pay neighbors to keep the whole property bush hogged.

Practice details

Has been a beef cattle for for over 60 years.


  • 1-5 Years

Opportunity details

This is along the North Toe River. Rent to farm or animal grazing. There is some possibility for the farming family to live on the land if you have your own tiny house or rv or something like that. This would be good for either farming or animal grazing. 

Additional information about this property

Owners do not live on the land. No one currently lives there but we have great neighbors!

Supporting documentation