Cleared Land, Pond, Creek for Regenerative Farm

Farmer Housing

Cana, Surry County

Updated Aug 22, 2024

  • 24 Total acres
  • 10 Acres of cropland or tillable land
  • 15 Acres of fenced pasture
  • 15 Acres of unfenced hayland

Cleared Land, Pond, Creek for Regenerative Farm

Cana, Surry County

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24 acres; estimated 10-15 acres cleared (never farmed); pond, creek, springs; barn with living spaces

  • Barn
  • Farmer housing
  • Well / Pond / Other water source

Feature details

There is a barn. There are 3 rooms plus a bathroom and a utility room in the barn. The property does not yet have a well, but I will likely have one put in. Generally speaking... as the landlord, I would be responsible for making certain agreed-upon capital/permanent improvements to the farm (e.g. well, permanent fencing), while the farmer would be responsible for more temporary expenses (e.g. temporary fencing, animal feed, hay, minerals, etc). Note: There is an unfinished cabin on the property, but it will be reserved for landlord use.

  • Cattle (Dairy / Beef)
  • Hogs
  • Poultry (Broiler / Layer)
  • Sheep/Goat (Dairy / Meat)
  • Vegetables

Production details

The land has not been farmed before but much of the acreage has been cleared. Some of the land has been seeded with fescue.


  • 1-5 Years
  • Lease w/Option to Buy

Opportunity details

I'm looking for a farmer/ family to farm/manage the land for an initial 2-4 year lease period. After the initial lease period, a longer term (5+ years) lease would follow if both parties are agreable. I'm looking for a farmer who practices permaculture and regenerative agricultural practices.

Additional information about this property

I would like the farmer to use practices (e.g regenerative, permaculture, no-till, no/minimal-chemicals) that build the soil and land. Beyond that, I plan for the farmer to have much autonomy re: the farming operations and his business.