Pee Dee NC Land to Lease to Farm

Lilesville, Anson County

Updated Sep 16, 2024

  • 10 Total acres
  • 3 Acres of cropland or tillable land
  • 0 Acres of fenced pasture
  • 3 Acres of unfenced hayland

Pee Dee NC Land to Lease to Farm

Lilesville, Anson County

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The available acres to farm is approximately 3 open acres located in Anson County, NC 1.5 miles from the Pee Dee River. Easy access off HWY 74.

  • Well / Pond / Other water source

Production details

The land is covered by grass that is mowed to negate the land from growing up with trees and bushes.

  • None (the property is not being farmed)


  • 1-5 Years

Opportunity details

Space is available to lease for crop farming. Could be used for hay land or vegetables.